How To Stand Up On A Surfboard

Surfing is more than just a sport; it’s a way of life. If you’ve ever watched surfers glide effortlessly on the waves and thought, “I want to do that,” you’re not alone. Learning how to stand up on a surfboard is the first step towards becoming a surfer. In this guide, we’ll break down the process step by step, so whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to improve your technique, you’ll be riding the waves like a pro in no time.

To Stand Up On A Surfboard:

  1. Place your hands flat on your board under your chest, with your elbows tucked in.
  2. Press your body up with your hands, arch your back, and transfer your weight onto your feet. 
  3. Push off your toes, and slide your feet into position on the board. 
  4. Keep your knees bent — this will help keep your center of gravity low.
  5. Surf!

Choosing the Right Surfboard

Choosing the right surfboard is essential for an enjoyable and successful surfing experience. Several factors come into play when selecting a surfboard that’s just right for your skill level, the type of waves you’ll be riding, and your body type. Follow this step-by-step guide to ensure you make the best choice for mastering how to stand up on a surfboard:

“Learn how to make the perfect choice when it comes to selecting the right surfboard.”

1. Board Types:


 Skill Level: Beginner to Advanced
 Description: Longboards are typically 8 to 12 feet in length and have a rounded nose and a single fin. They offer great stability, making them ideal for beginners. Longboards are versatile and can catch smaller waves with ease. They’re also favored by experienced surfers for their classic, smooth style.

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Funboard (Mini Malibu):

Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Description: Funboards are shorter than longboards, typically between 6 to 8 feet in length. They provide a good balance of stability and maneuverability, making them suitable for surfers looking to progress beyond the beginner stage. Funboards are a versatile choice for a wide range of wave conditions.


Skill Level: Advanced
Description: Shortboards are typically 5 to 7 feet long and are designed for high performance. They have a narrow nose, sharp rails, and multiple fins. Shortboards excel in powerful, steep waves and are favored by experienced surfers for their responsiveness and maneuverability.

Hybrid Board (Fish or Egg):

Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Description: Hybrid boards combine elements of both shortboards and longboards. They are shorter than funboards, with a wider nose and a flatter rocker. This design allows for easier paddling and increased stability while still providing good maneuverability. They perform well in various wave conditions.


Skill Level: Expert
Description: Guns are specialized surfboards designed for riding big, powerful waves. They are long and narrow with a pointed nose, built for speed and control in large surf. Guns are not suitable for beginners and should only be used by highly.

2. Board Size

Selecting the right surfboard size is crucial for mastering the art of standing up on a surfboard effectively. The size of your surfboard, which includes its length, width, thickness, and volume, has a significant impact on how well you can handle it in different wave conditions. Let’s break down the key factors to consider when choosing the perfect surfboard size for your skill level and the waves you want to conquer.


Longer boards (typically 8 feet and above) offer greater stability and are easier to paddle, making them suitable for beginners and smaller waves.
Shorter boards (usually under 7 feet) are more adjustability and are favored by advanced surfers for more challenging and steeper waves.


Wider boards provide more stability and are easier for beginners to balance on. They are ideal for learning and catching smaller waves.
Narrower boards are designed for advanced surfers who prioritize flexibility. They can perform sharp turns and maneuvers in larger waves.


Thicker boards offer more buoyancy, which aids in paddling and wave-catching. Beginners often benefit from boards with more thickness.
Thinner boards are generally preferred by experienced surfers who prioritize control and responsiveness.


Volume is a critical factor in surfboard size and is often mentioned in liters. Boards with higher volume are more buoyant and provide greater stability, making them suitable for beginners or surfers with larger body sizes.
Lower-volume boards are less buoyant but offer better maneuverability. Advanced surfers who are skilled at paddling often choose boards with lower volume for high-performance surfing.
When selecting the right surfboard size, consider your skill level, body type, and the type of waves you intend to ride:

Beginners: It’s generally recommended for beginners to start with a longer, wider, and thicker board. This provides stability and ease of paddling, helping you catch waves and build your skills.

Intermediate Surfers: Intermediate surfers can experiment with slightly shorter and narrower boards as they develop their skills. This transition allows for increased maneuverability without sacrificing too much stability.

Advanced Surfers: Advanced surfers often choose shorter, narrower boards that match their specific style and the type of waves they ride. They prioritize responsiveness and performance over stability.


Fins are an integral part of a surfboard and play a significant role in your ability to stand up on a surfboard. They influence your board’s stability, maneuverability, and overall performance in the water. Here’s what you need to know about surfboard fins:

Number of Fins:

Surfboards can have various fin configurations, including single fin, twin fin, thruster (three fins), quad fin, and even five-fin setups. Each configuration offers distinct advantages and characteristics.

Single Fin:

Description: A single fin is a classic, center-mounted fin. It provides stability and control, making it suitable for longboards and retro-style boards. Single fins are often used for a traditional, smooth surfing style.
Pros: Stability, smooth turning, and a classic feel.
Cons: Limited maneuverability compared to multi-fin setups.

Twin Fin:

Description: Twin fins feature two smaller fins positioned near the tail of the board. They offer a looser, more playful feel and excel in smaller, more mellow waves.
Pros: Increased speed, skatey feel, and good for small waves.
Cons: Reduced stability and control in larger or steeper waves.
Thruster (Three Fins):

Description: The thruster setup consists of three fins – one larger center fin and two smaller side fins. It’s the most common configuration and offers a balanced combination of stability, speed, and maneuverability.
Pros: Versatility, excellent for all types of waves, and responsive turning.
Cons: Less speed compared to twin fins in small waves, less control than single fins in larger waves.

Quad Fin:

Description: Quad fins have four fins, usually two on each side near the tail of the board. They provide excellent speed and control, making them well-suited for fast, powerful waves.
Pros: Increased speed, excellent control, and improved responsiveness in steep waves.
Cons: Less maneuverability in smaller, slower waves compared to thrusters.

Five-Fin Setup:

Description: Five-fin setups allow you to choose between thruster and quad configurations by adding or removing a center fin. This versatility allows surfers to adapt to different wave conditions.
Pros: Versatility, the ability to customize your board’s performance to suit the waves.
Cons: Some surfers may find it challenging to decide on the ideal setup for specific conditions.

When choosing fins for your surfboard, consider the type of waves you’ll be riding, your skill level, and your personal preferences. Experimenting with different fin configurations can help you fine-tune your board’s performance to match your surfing style and the conditions you encounter. Don’t hesitate to seek advice from experienced surfers or visit a surf shop to get recommendations on fins that best suit your needs.

Mastering the Pop-Up

Learning how to stand up on a surfboard is a crucial skill in surfing. The key move is called the ‘pop-up,’ and it’s what gets you from lying on your board to standing up to ride a wave. Let’s break it down into simple steps:


Start by paddling out to the lineup, where you’ll wait for the right wave.
Lie on your board with your chest near the center, your head up, and your eyes focused on the approaching waves.

Paddle and Timing:

As you see a wave approaching, start paddling with strong, even strokes.
You’ll want to match your paddling speed with the speed of the wave. This requires some practice and timing adjustment.

Feet Placement:

As the wave starts to lift you and your board, position your hands near your chest or shoulders, ready to push up.
Simultaneously, place your feet where they’ll need to be when you stand up. Your front foot should be slightly angled toward the front corner of the board, and your back foot should be parallel to the tail. Your feet should be about shoulder-width apart.


When you feel the wave’s energy lifting you and your board, it’s time to execute the pop-up.
Push up with your arms, keeping your chest up and your back arched slightly.
Bring your back foot forward quickly, while your front foot pivots and lands on the board.
Land on the balls of your feet, not your heels, for better balance.

Stance and Balance:

Once you’re on your feet, bend your knees slightly to lower your center of gravity and increase stability.
Keep your weight centered on the board, and your arms can be outstretched for balance.

Look Ahead:

Focus your gaze toward the horizon, not your feet.
Looking ahead helps you anticipate the wave’s movements and maintain balance.


The pop-up requires coordination and timing, so practice is essential.
Start by practicing the motion on the beach or on a stable surface to get the muscle memory.
Gradually progress to practicing in the water, even on smaller waves, to build confidence.

Tips for Improvement:

Film yourself to analyze your technique and make necessary adjustments.
Surf with more experienced surfers who can provide feedback and guidance.
Remember that it takes time to master the pop-up, so be patient and persistent.

Safety Precautions:

Always be aware of your surroundings in the water.
Be considerate of other surfers in the lineup and follow surf etiquette.


Repetition is key to mastering the pop-up. The more you practice, the more fluid and confident your pop-up will become.

Remember that surfing is a sport that requires dedication and practice. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t master the pop-up immediately; it’s a skill that improves over time. Keep honing your technique, and soon you’ll be catching waves and enjoying the thrill of surfing with ease.

Maintaining Balance

Mastering the art of standing up on a surfboard is all about keeping your balance. It’s a crucial skill that lets you stay on your board and catch those awesome waves. Here, we’ve got some easy tips and techniques to help you keep your balance while you’re out there on the water, trying to stand up on a surfboard:


Your stance plays a vital role in maintaining balance. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to the stringer (the centerline of the board).
Your weight should be evenly distributed between both feet, with your knees slightly bent to provide flexibility.

Look Ahead:

Keep your gaze fixed on the horizon or the direction you want to go, not on your feet or the wave.
Looking ahead helps you anticipate changes in wave shape and maintain balance.

Keep a Low Center of Gravity:

Lowering your center of gravity makes you more stable. Bend your knees and keep your upper body relaxed but engaged.
Avoid standing too upright or leaning too far forward.

Use Your Arms:

Use your arms for balance by extending them outward or slightly bending your elbows.
Your arms can act as counterweights to help you adjust your balance as needed.

Foot Placement:

Maintain proper foot placement on the board. Keep your feet flat on the deck, not on your toes or heels.
Adjust your foot positioning as needed to respond to changes in the wave and maintain balance.

Shift Your Weight:

Shift your weight forward or backward as necessary to adjust to the wave’s movements.
When going down the face of a wave, shift more weight to your front foot; when riding a steep section or turning, distribute your weight accordingly.

Practice Paddling and Balance:

While paddling out to the lineup or waiting for waves, practice maintaining balance on your board.
Make subtle weight shifts and practice maintaining a steady stance to improve your balance.

Core Strength and Flexibility:

A strong core and flexible body are essential for maintaining balance in surfing.
Incorporate exercises that target your core muscles and enhance flexibility, such as yoga, stretching, and balance training.

Practice Balance Drills:

Perform balance drills on your surfboard on land or in the water to improve your stability.
These drills can involve shifting your weight in different directions, mimicking the movements you’ll encounter while surfing.

Stay Relaxed:

Tension in your body can hinder your balance. Try to stay relaxed, especially in your upper body and arms.
Take deep breaths to help you remain calm and focused.

Navigating the Waves

Navigating the waves effectively is a crucial aspect of surfing that allows you to catch, ride, and enjoy waves while staying safe in the ocean. Here are some tips on how to stand up on a surfboard and navigate the waves with skill and confidence:

Understanding Wave Anatomy:

Before heading out, take some time to observe the wave patterns and understand the ocean’s behavior.
Learn to distinguish between different types of waves, including sets (groups of waves) and rogue waves.

Paddle Out Efficiently:

When paddling out through the breaking waves to the lineup, time your paddle strokes to coincide with the wave’s movement.
Aim to paddle over the wave’s whitewater or under the wave to minimize the impact.

Duck Dive (Shortboards) or Turtle Roll (Longboards):

On a shortboard, use the “duck dive” technique to push the board under the oncoming wave while you dive beneath it.
On a longboard, use the “turtle roll” method to roll the board upside down while holding onto the rails, allowing the wave to pass over you.

Positioning in the Lineup:

Once you reach the lineup (the area where surfers wait for waves), position yourself correctly.
Be mindful of surf etiquette and take your turn in the lineup, respecting the lineup’s hierarchy.

Reading Waves:

Develop the ability to read incoming waves. Look for the swell lines and anticipate where the wave will break.
Understand how different factors, such as wind, tide, and sandbars, can affect wave behavior.

Choosing the Right Waves:

Not every wave is ideal for your skill level and board type. Be selective about the waves you paddle for.
Start with smaller, more manageable waves if you’re a beginner or if conditions are challenging.

Paddling Technique:

Use efficient paddling techniques to maximize your speed and get into waves early.
Paddle with a long, powerful stroke and engage your core muscles for a strong paddle.


As the wave approaches and you decide to catch it, paddle with urgency to match the wave’s speed.
Place your feet in the correct position (as mentioned in the “Pop-Up” section) to transition to a standing position smoothly.

Bottom Turn and Top Turn:

Once you’re on the wave, use bottom turns to control your speed and set up for maneuvers.
Top turns help you carve the face of the wave and generate speed.

Trimming and Surfing the Line:

Learn how to “trim” your board by shifting your weight forward or backward to stay in the most critical part of the wave, also known as the “pocket.”
Surf along the wave’s unbroken face for a longer, smoother ride.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How should you stand up on a surfboard?

Stand up on a surfboard with your feet shoulder-width apart, facing the front, and your weight centered for balance. Bend your knees slightly and keep your arms out to help you stay stable while riding the waves.

2. Where should my body be on a surfboard?

Position your body on a surfboard with your chest and upper body centered over the board’s midpoint, and your feet near the board’s tail.

3. Can you just sit on a surfboard? 

Yes, you can sit on a surfboard when you’re not actively riding waves or paddling. Sit near the middle of the board to maintain balance.

4. How do you pop up faster surfing?

To stand up on a surfboard more efficiently and increase your speed in the process, it’s essential to master the “pop-up” motion. Begin by lying flat on your surfboard, then concentrate on perfecting the “stand up on a surfboard” technique. Simultaneously, engage your upper body strength by pushing yourself up with your arms while smoothly swinging your front foot underneath you. This dynamic movement will enable you to transition to your feet swiftly and maintain your balance while riding the waves.

5. How do you catch a wave for beginners?

For beginners, follow these steps to catch a wave:

.Start by paddling out to the lineup where the waves are breaking.

.Position yourself with the board pointing towards the shore.

. As you see a wave approaching, paddle steadily to match its speed.

. When you feel the wave lifting the back of your board, start paddling harder to catch it.

. As the wave begins to push you forward, pop up to your feet quickly (as mentioned in the previous answer).


In conclusion, learning how to stand up on a surfboard is a crucial skill for any aspiring surfer. It’s a combination of balance, timing, and practice. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to riding the waves with confidence. Remember to start on a large, stable board, practice your paddling, and take your time to perfect the pop-up technique. Be patient with yourself, as mastering the art of standing up on a surfboard may take some time, but the reward of riding the waves and experiencing the thrill of surfing is well worth the effort. So get out there, hit the waves, and enjoy the incredible sensation of riding the surf!

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